Most frequent questions and answers
Resin infiltration is a minimally invasive dental treatment used to treat incipient (early stage) cavities and white spots on teeth.
Resin infiltration involves the application of a resin material to the surface of the affected tooth. The resin material infiltrates the pores of the tooth enamel and fills in any spaces where decay or discoloration is present.
Resin infiltration is a minimally invasive procedure that typically does not cause any pain or discomfort.
The longevity of resin infiltration depends on several factors, including the location and extent of the cavity or discoloration, the patient’s oral hygiene habits, and the amount of wear and tear on the tooth. Generally, resin infiltration can last for several years with proper care.
Resin infiltration is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require any drilling or removal of healthy tooth structure. Traditional fillings, on the other hand, require the removal of healthy tooth structure in order to place the filling.
The cost of resin infiltration varies depending on the location of the dental practice and the extent of the treatment needed. It is typically less expensive than more invasive treatments such as fillings or dental crowns.
Resin infiltration does not require any special care beyond regular brushing and flossing. Patients should avoid consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar and acid, which can contribute to tooth decay.